
Long and tiring day, so ended up swapping today’s planned session for tomorrow’s lighter one.

Simple enough action, but it led to a big breakthrough for me.

I’ve been so conscious of making excuses lately… And today initially felt like I was making an excuse. But then I realised that my past does not equal my present. And just because in the lead up to previous marathons I might have blown off a training session, that today when I say I’ll swap rather than skip a session. I actually WILL swap rather than skip a session.

And that made me realise how far I’ve come – and not purely from a fitness or running perspective.

Sure I don’t have that many days left to train and I still
have a lot left to accomplish. But I have been focused, committed and taking massive action every day for three and a half months now. It doesn’t mean I can give up, but bloody hell, I am actually proud of myself.

And I’m starting to recognise how this determination and focus is paying off in so many other areas of my life too.

Every day I make strong and
steady progress building my business and helping other people to live their mission.

Every day I become more comfortable in my own skin, and find new ways to appreciate my life and everyone and everything in it.

Every day I get one step closer to my financial freedoms goal, where my husband can quit his job and do something he loves.

I have clear goals. I’ve got momentum. And I’m enjoying every step of the journey.

That’s kind of wow.

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